Monday, May 7, 2007

Walking with God

I was able to walk through Melbourne city tonight on my way to Perspectives and just dialogue with God in wonder and amazement at the diversity and life I saw around me.

I asked God to show me what he wanted me to see. I asked and pictured what Jesus would be doing as he walked down Swanston St at 6:10pm on a Monday night. What would he be saying to his friends, his disciples as he walked? What would he be pointing out? Where would he stop and talk? or touch? Would he stop to have coffee? Would it be the amazing saxophone player sharing soulful melodies in the city square? Or the guy drawing on the pavement with a crowd gathered around? Or the busy people rushing past?

Would he, like me, stop at the Lounge for the $10 express meal and drink and read, exchanging glances with those outside the window?

As I continue on my stroll with God through the city, I walk past two homeless guys sitting on the footpath. One is writing on the ground with chalk. It says "please feel free to read this"... and is surrounded with lots of chalk writing. I walk on past, feeling the coins in my pocked, asking God if I should go back and give the coins to the men.

As I walk up to the street corner, God answers my prayer quite differently to how I expected. Another homeless guy walks up to me! He asks if I can spare any change as he hasn't eaten in two days. To his surprise, I reply with and enthusiastic "Sure!". I reach into my pocket and grab at the coins in there and place a simple dollar in his hand. I ask his name, "Craig". "I'm Phil" I reply and we shake hands. He says "I hope one day I can repay you." I say
"Don't worry about it." The lights are green and I cross...

I can't help smile and laugh at the joy which fills me as I walk through the city with my Lord Jesus. Earlier I had prayed "Jesus, come and fill this city, be a part of what's going on here, come and do something..."

But in that moment I realised that he was already well and truly here and had been working long before I ever joined him on a walk down Swanston St.

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