Thursday, February 21, 2013

14th of February in RenovArte Cafe

Real love

The 14th of February is all about LOVE!  On Valentine's day, the world gets our their luvvy-duvvy side and seemingly out of nowhere we see a multitude of expressions of romantic love. At RenovArte, we made use of this tradition, but with a twist. In the cafe we celebrated Valentine's Day, in Mexico known as the day of "love and friendship" with a live music outreach event.  We played love songs of a different kind, love songs that talk about an unconditional, unfailing and unrelenting love shown by the Creator God towards his creation.  On this night, we also partnered with the worldwide organisation the Gideons to give the gift of God's word to those drinking a coffee and enjoying the music.
We had a surprisingly good response and many people were happy to receive a small New Testament Bible and hear of God's love.
Now that the seed is sown, we will continue to water, showing and sharing Jesus to a generation searching for love in all the wrong places.
Check out these clips of the concert...