Friday, October 28, 2011

RenovArte Renovation Special

God is moving and so is RenovArte Cafe!

Phil, God has given us the opportunity to move RenovArte Cafe to a larger premises with better exposure to the student community.

Why the change?
The RenovArte Cafe ministry is growing and we are excited about making more connections with university students and developing the relationships and activities we have started. We have also started hosting a weekly outreach Bible study called Connexion Vertical each Thursday in conjunction with another developing student ministry - last week 13 students attended and three made a decision to accept Christ. The new bigger premises will give us the opportunity to continue growing these outreach events and better develop the ministry.

What is the plan?

Whilst we have been praying for some time, the opportunity to move came up very quickly and we needed to act fast. We have secured the new premises which was previously a small restaurant and we are currently cleaning, repairing, painting and fitting it out in true RenovArte style. This involves quite a lot of work (see photos below) as the restaurant was in very dirty condition and had not had adequate maintenance. We continue open to the public in the present premises whilst the renovations are underway. We hope to complete the renovations this week to be able to move this weekend (15-16 October) and open on Monday in the new space.

What is the need?
Most importantly, we need your prayers. Please pray for the following:

  1. Strength and endurance for Phil, Sandy and Romi as a family and all those that are helping us

  2. For the volunteers that are lending a hand

  3. For wisdom in decision making around fit-out decisions and negotiations with the building owners

  4. The new ministry opportunities that this move will provide

  5. For financial provision for the additional expenses of renovation, moving and ongoing rental

We also need additional financial resources to meet the needs of the fit-out and rental. We pray that this new premises will be a huge blessing - the students that regularly come to the cafe are excited about the change and are even volunteering to help us. This is a sign of God's grace and what He is doing through this ministry.

God bless,
Phil and Sandy

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