Tuesday, December 21, 2010

¡Feliz Navidad! Happy Christmas!

The Jones family dreaming of a white Christmas

We want to take this opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year. We also want to say thanks to everyone who has supported us, prayed for us, visited us and kept in touch throughout this year. Each one of you who maintains this connection with us, even by just reading the blog, is a massive blessing to us.

We invite you to remember the reason for the season - that the Creator God loved you and I so much that he sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to the Earth as a baby. At Christmas time we remember that Jesus was born, God in flesh and blood, living to show us what God is like and to show us how to live God's way in perfection. We also remember at Easter time his death, buying for us forgiveness of our sin with his blood. This is the good news - that God is not far off, God does not live in religious practices; God is near, a God of justice and forgiveness, a God who extends his grace to us and invites us to an intimate relationship with our Creator.

Have an excellent Christmas and don't forget the Christ in Christmas.

Phil, Sandy and Romi

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