Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The holiday club day two

Day two of our holiday club went well. We had the same number of kids as the first day but with two new kids. It was a hot day again so we tried to keep things active. Phil shared the teaching time with the next part of the story - Adam and Eve's disobedience and our separation from God because of sin. Sandy taught the story of Noah's ark. Our craft of the day was animal cutouts and we got out the sparkly puff paint which was a real hit. The kids are addicted to poison ball, which was new to them.

Phil sharing with passion (it's my explaining pose!)

Crafting it up

Tomorrow we are going to put an inflatable pool that some friends have loaned us. We cut the grass this afternoon so now the backyard looks a lot nicer. Next stop... day 3!
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1 comment:

Megan said...

Sounds great guys!