Saturday, May 24, 2008

Break a leg...

Bang, bang.... rrrrrr... pchoonk, pchoonk... these were just some of the sounds of progress during the week leading up to Cosas de Niños! The team from Buckhead Church in Atlanta, along with our team and volunteers worked long and hard (those words don't fully describe it!) to get the set ready, the place decorated, lights hung and configured and everything in place for a great start to our kids ministry. By Saturday night (read: Sunday morning when we finished) we were all VERY tired, but very excited because we saw that God had provided everything we needed to prepare and everything had come together!

Construction chaos

Steve rehearsing some kind of dance... I think that maybe, just maybe, that one didn't make the cut for Cosas de Niños

A very tired team just after we finished everything

So once all was in place, all that was left was to bring on the dancers, hosts and actors for Cosas de Niños!!!!
All went really well, we had a lot of fun communicating our theme of serving others in secret and I found it absolutely amazing to hear the laughs, heckling and shouts of the kids as we acted. My character turned out well and by God's grace I remembered most of my lines and was able to make up the rest in Spanish. I was really fortunate that the parts I improvised worked out okay because the night before I had improvised myself into a corner... hehehe... I starting talking about something then suddenly realised that I had talked myself into a world of vocabulary that I didn't know yet... who knows how to say "my secret cameras weren't connected to the video recorder and i missed all the footage"???

We finished with a big party on Sunday night for all the volunteers involved with kids at Horizonte and we ate tacos, had a Mariachi band and danced!!! Sooo much fun!

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